Hard Drive Sh0rtage!

Hashy's picture


I 0nly recently f0und 0ut myself, but I h0pe m0st 0f y0u are already aware, that there is and has been a hard drive sh0rtage. I’m guessing due t0 and since the latest Japan Earthquake and Tsunami event (Thailand Floods actually..)

And it c0uld be ab0ut t0 get w0rse t00, if that article is anything t0 g0 by.


I w0uld just rec0mmend that if anyb0dy needs s0me m0re drives, that N0W w0uld be a g00d time t0 buy up, 0therwise y0u may have t0 wait m0nths, and all that will be available at the time will be either n0t what y0ur after, 0r much m0re expensive.

Even if y0u d0nt need s0me drives right n0w, it may be a g00d idea t0 think ab0ut it, but at the very least, its a call t0 clean up 0ur current st0rage banks and get the m0st 0ut 0f it while we batten d0wn the hatches and wait 0ut the next few m0nths 0f uncertainty.

http://www.auspcmarket.com.au/products/366/ – AusPCMarket… prices l00k bad t0 me..

http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=210_344 – PCCaseGear – Prices l00k better t0 me, at least f0r s0me things. Limit 0f 2 drives per cust0mer.

Whats y0ur take 0n all this?


Sha8doW's picture

A result of...

Time for a rant!
The cause of this issue is not flooding but ultimately corporate greed (and the stock market/shareholders by proxy) and hopefully its comming back to bite!
like for most raw materials/goods AUS has NO(or at best a very small) manufacturing industry! Why? Simple! Our labour market exists without slaves, sweatshops etc and we are lucky to have minimum wages! But the downside is these would increase the costs of objects mfr’d in AUS! So in the search for profits, shareholder dividends and the rest of corporate greeds interests they take their mfring over seas where they pay 20c a day etc etc all the bad stuff!
This has the spiral effect on jobs, economy etc etc! Bad

So what can we do!? Buy Australian? How? We don’t have even a fucken plant to make HDDS!
Corporate AUS needs to wake up, and see we could be a global power (not a wipping boy) and that we wouldn’t rely on china etal if we took the short term pain and mfr and had industry in AUS!

Good news! Corporate fuckers will hurt from this as much as us as the main buyers of HDD to store their shit
Bad news… Cloud computing won’t solve the issue! (shits gotta be stored somewhere)

Yeah floods in Thialand

They should be back to normal production around Feb/March with market recovery by June. Just need to wait it out.

Just on a side note, a doco I watch about overseas manufacturing estermated that 1st world production of things like Apple products would put an iPad2 at $3500-$5000. Now think how much every thing else would cost. It’s sad, but it’s how things are.

Sha8doW's picture

If that's the cost...

Think of little Diddy Mao who gets paid rice!

Its cheap cause shareholders want profits and it’s sick! And I’m not some thong wearing human rights activist!
Mfr costs are relative to the standards of living and the labour market!

Hashy's picture

Thailand Floods

& I hear it was the Thailand Floods that has caused a fact0ry that makes a very small part t0 halt pr0ducti0n, thanks Delta.

The wh0le situati0n is sh!t really, th0se pe0ple are living it hard en0ugh as it is and then there’s this fl00ding which st0ps them fr0m being able t0 even w0rk what is practically a slave j0b. Theres g0tta be a happy medium s0mewhere, where we are g0nna pay a bit m0re f0r 0ur pr0ducts, but these pe0ple are g0nna get a far higher and fairer standard 0f living. 0fc0urse s0me 0f the pr0blem is p0litical, but a bit part 0f it is 0ur c0mpanies and individuals being willing t0 expl0it these pe0ple in these difficult situati0ns.

Hey we c0uld try and use this sh0rtage as an 0pp0rtunity t0 try and give these w0rkers a fairer g0… All y0u g0tta d0 is try.. s0metimes pe0ple are n0t capable 0f fighting f0r themselves, and their v0ices are n0t heard. 0nly s0meb0dy else c0uld stand up and help them. We have 0ur barristers t0 speak f0r us, wh0 d0 they have?


I dont disagree with you guys on that. It really is a shit state of affairs for them. Unfortunately, the higher prices are still going straight into the stores pocket to slow sales while making more profit. Same thing was happening with coffee, till some people stood up and said/did some thing about it.

Sha8doW's picture

Not stores


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